FireMarshal Configuration

The FireMarshal tool itself supports a number of user-defined configuration options for global behaviors. These can be set by configuration files or through environment variables.

Configuration Files

Configuration files are in yaml format. Options are documented below and in wlutil/default-config.yaml.


The default configuration file is located at wlutil/default-config.yaml. You can use this file as a reference for the configuration file format and options, as well as documentation of default behaviors. You should not generally change this file.


FireMarshal looks for configuration files in one of two places (in order):

  1. $(PWD)/marshal-config.yaml
  2. FireMarshal/marshal-config.yaml (i.e. in the same directory as the marshal executable)

Environment Variables

Configuration files are the primary way to configure FireMarshal, but you can also set environment variables to override any option. Enviornment variables should be of the form MARSHAL_FOO_BAR. The option name will be converted to lower case and underscores will be converted to dashes. E.G. MARSHAL_FOO_BAR=baz"foo-bar" : 'baz'.

Configuration Options

All path-like options are interpreted as relative to the location of the configuration file. Size options can be written in human readable form (e.g. ‘4KiB’) or simply as the number of bytes (e.g. ‘4096’).


List of paths to search when looking up workloads (either the target workload, or parent workloads). This list is ordered with later entries taking precedence of earlier entries. See Workload Search Paths for details of how workloads are located.


Root for default board (platform-specific resources).


Location to store all outputs (binaries and images)


Default linux source. This is intended to override the global default linux version, if you need a special kernel for your workload, you should set that in your workload configuration directly (see distro).


Location of the firesim repository to use for the install command.


Default proxy-kernel source directory. The RISC-V proxy kernel repository provides code for the Berkeley Boot Loader (‘bbl’).


Default directory to use when writing logs from FireMarshal runs.


Default directory to use when writing outputs (results) from a workload (e.g. uartlog or output files).


FireMarshal calls into makefiles for several of its dependencies. This option provides the default level of parallelism to use when calling into these makefiles. The value here will be append to the ‘-j’ option (e.g. jlevel=’16’ → ‘-j16’). The empty string results in maximum parallelism.


By default, FireMarshal shrinks the rootfs of each workload to contain only rootfs-margin free space. Workloads can explicitly override this size requirement with the rootfs-size option). Increasing this can drastically increase host-machine disk requirements as every image generated will be larger.


FireMarshal uses a python library called doit to track build dependencies and avoid unnecessary recompilation. You may pass additional options to this library as a dictionary here. To see a description of these options, consult the doit help output:

$ doit help run


This is equivalent to the ‘-v’ option when calling doit from the command line. Note that FireMarshal performs much of its own logging that supersedes this option. You should not typically change this unless you have a good reason. Briefly:

  • 0 capture (do not print) stdout/stderr from task.
  • 1 capture stdout only.
  • 2 do not capture anything (print everything immediately).


Doit requires a database to track dependencies and build artifacts. Without this database, it will conservatively rebuild all tasks. For most use-cases, you can leave this option as ‘’ (the empty string) to default to a centralized database for all invocations of marshal. Since FireMarshal uses absolute paths to identify most tasks, this should be safe. However, you may use a different location for this database if needed by setting this option to a path (the path will be taken as relative to wherever the marshal command was invoked).